Welcome to HostGo!

Thank you for choosing HostGo. As the first step towards our promise of the best web hosting, we have compiled information for you which will help you to enjoy our services better. We recommend that you save this information some place on your computer or rename this page before you upload your web site's content.
Web Based Control Panel
Our interactive control panel gives you the power to create and manage your web site. To start using your control panel, login at http://www.yoursite.com/siteadmin with the login information provided to you in your welcome email. Your control panel will allow you to easily
  • change your password for control panel, FTP access or email access
  • create/modify/delete POP3 email accounts
  • create/modify/delete email forwarding
  • view your web and FTP statistics
  • create custom error pages
  • setup email filters
  • add domain pointers and add-on domains
  • create/modify/delete databases and database users
  • install free message boards, chat programs, and shopping carts.
  • password protect directories
  • backup/restore your web site
  • and much more...
Web Site Defaults

Once you are ready with your site, you need to upload the contents to the public_html folder. This is the area which is read by the web server to serve your web site files. Your public_html folder should have one of the following as the default page:

index.html, index.wml, index.cgi, index.shtml, index.jsp, index.js, index.jsp, index.php4, index.php3, index.php, index.phtml, default.htm, default.html, home.htm

Once you have uploaded your web site, we suggest that you keep a local backup of your web site on your computer.
FTP - File Transfer Protocol

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol and it is the process used to upload and download files from a web server. This is done using an FTP program like CuteFTP, WS_FTP Pro, or SmartFTP if you are working with an IBM compatible. Macintosh users can use Transmit, Fetch or Interarchy. Advanced users can also use built-in FTP features of Web Designing Applications like DreamWeaver, GoLive, and FrontPage.

In order to successfully FTP to your site, you need to configure the program to use the following information:

server/hostname: ftp.yourdomain.com
username: username
password: password

directory: public_html

Animated Flash tutorials can be found here that will walk you through the setup of your FTP program.

Email Account Setup

We support both POP3 and IMAP as well as Web Mail Unlike POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3), IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) allows you to read your email directly from the server, while POP3 has to first download your email before it can be read.

IMAP is enabled on our servers and you can use it to read your email using your email program. You'll need to change your email program's settings from POP3 to IMAP.

In order to use a local mail client like Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora or any other, you may need to configure it before it can send and receive mails from the server. Here is what you will need:

outgoing server name: mail.yourdomain.com
incoming server name:
username: username@yourdomain.com
password: password

To send email from our servers you need to setup SMTP Authentication. You will need to supply the same username and password that you use with your POP3 email account for outgoing email. This step is required to prevent spammers from sending unsolicited via your account.

Animated Flash tutorials can be found here that will walk you through the setup of your email client.

You can use the following url to access your email via the Web Mail interface:


WebMail is useful if you need to access your email while traveling or if you do not have access to your home/work computer.

FrontPage Server Extensions 2002

Web sites created in Microsoft FrontPage will need to be published with Microsoft FrontPage. If you requested FrontPage Extentions on your order then your site is ready to be published to. If FrontPage Extensions have not been installed on your web site you can install them from inside the control panel.

For a complete guide on how to use FrontPage please click here.

Only a couple of support topics have been discussed on this page. For more information on how to use your account and contact our support staff please visit our dedicated support web site.